Thursday, May 14, 2020

My Philosophy Of Life s Philosophy Essay - 2435 Words

Philosophical Thoughts (Name) (Institution) My Philosophy of Life It has been said that a person’s philosophy of life defines a lot about who they are, what they are and how they perceive things. I am part of this school of thought. To me, my philosophy of life guides my actions and how I relate to people. My beliefs and attitudes are impacted my philosophy of life which is to make the most out of every opportunity I get. If I have an opportunity to learn, I believe in learning everything there possibly can about a particular topic. I’m passionate about what I set out to do, and every day I remind myself what I stand for and the goals I have set. I seek growth in all areas of my life: relationships, academics, health fitness and finances. Generally, I believe that my mantra is: Strive to be better always. I try hard not to look for excuses or justifications for pat failures; I simply focus on being better in the future. I believe that one can conquer seemingly difficult goals. 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