Saturday, April 11, 2020

Nonverbal and Communication Flvs free essay sample

This: Research what one hand gesture means in a different country. (You may ask people from other countries/and or conduct your own web search or library search for answers). Some suggested countries/cultures to research might be: Italy, Japan, China, Greece, and the Middle East (18 points) Hand gesture: One hand gesture that Italy has that the United States doesnt have the same meaning as is pointing both index fingers and moving them in a up and down, in and out motion. Country/Culture referenced: Italy was the country that I refrenced. What does it mean? This hand gesture means to ward off bad luck. Part II: Nonverbal Communication and Active Listening Choice #2: Review the video recorded interviews in the Activity tab. Document the nonverbal gestures displayed by the participants and your interpretation of the gestures. (36 points) |Nonverbal Gestures Used|What does this mean to you? | Scenario #1|1) Waving |Waving means Hello, bye or nice to see you. We will write a custom essay sample on Nonverbal and Communication Flvs or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page | |2) Pointing|Pointing is a way of indicating to look at something. | |3) Using fingers|Using your fingers is a way to point out numeric amounts. | ||| Scenario #2|1) Hand shaking|Hand shaking to me means like a greeting. | |2) Smile|Showing being happy| 3) Frown |Showing sadness or disappointment, even hurt. | ||| After documenting the nonverbal gestures that took place during the interviews, write 5 or more sentences about each interview stating whether you feel the interview went well, if you would hire the person, and why you made this decision. (30 points) Walters interview to me didnt go well at all. For one he didnt shake the interviewers hand when it was his turn to get interviewed. The second reason why I dont think Walters interview went well is, because he wasnt focused and was off topic. Walter wasnt organized at all, and he didnt even have good posture. Walter didnt answer the questions like he shouldve, and finally Walter didnt make eye contact. I wouldnt hire Walter if he was the only person I interviewed. I would make this decision based on the way his interview went. In my opinion if he couldnt answer my questions correctly, basically showing he had good communication skills, why would I hire him to talk to customers and my technicians. Jeff interview to me was an ideal interview. Everything was perfect, he knew his resume, he knew what to say and when. When it was his turn to be interviewed he looked nice, he stated his name and shook the interviewer hand firmly. Jeff made eye contact the whole time. He was very experienced and credible. I would hire Jeff, in a heartbeat. Not only due to his experience, but how he dresses in nice atire, his ability to communicate with others and his organization skills. To practice active listening, listen to the dialogue on the Activity tab. List at least 4 active listening statements used in the dialogue between the mother and daughter. (16 points) One active listening statement used in the dialogue between the mother and daughter is, Mom, Ill see you in a little bit Im going to get on myspace. The second active listening statement between the mother and daughter is, Thats what I want to talk to you about you spend to much time on myspace and communicating with your friends. The third active listening statement used is, I cant always be about school Im getting so burned out. The fourth active listening statement is, You feel like all you do is related to school? Active Listening Statements used: 1) What I thik I hear you dsying is 2) In other words, you think that 3)Correct me if Im wrong, but arent you saying 4) You are correct

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