Thursday, August 27, 2020

Mandating Writing Courses Essay

Composing is gradually turning into a lost art.â With current innovation, the creative cycle has gotten more straightforward; once in a while words are even finished and amended by word handling programs for the writer.â Gone are the times of glancing through word references to discover spellings and implications of words. Composing is turning out to be shorter and increasingly contracted, and many feel that since innovation is spoiling our language, that school composing courses are not necessary.â They are mistaken.â College composing courses, for example, English 103 and 104 give a chance to get familiar with the abilities that are instructed through composition. Â These truly important, transferrable, and essential aptitudes forever and profession are association, examination, and influence. Â â â â â â â â â â â Organization is an aptitude that is strengthened through composing courses, explicitly courses like English 103 and 104 that power the author to contemplate the planning of their contention and arrangement of fact.â Organization is a significant expertise to get a handle on for both life and career.â Organization helps in the capacity to give headings or data to others. It additionally is basic when talking before individuals all together that they can follow what is being said. A sorted out speaker or essayist can convey all the more adequately, and correspondence is vital in both life and vocation so as to be successful.â Writing classes power understudies to work on being readied and to invest time and energy into their work.â These are aptitudes understudies can't prevail in different classes without. Â â â â â â â â â â â English 103 and 104 offer likewise chances to figure out how to investigate accurately and effectively.â Research is a fundamental ability for school just as throughout everyday life and career.â It improves learning and shows understudies where to search for information.â It additionally shows understudies how to be answerable for their own realizing, which will persist into their vocations as they become liable for their own occupations. Throughout everyday life, investigating aptitudes permit individuals to assume responsibility for their own ways of managing money and have more customer influence through the capacity to have item information and sound living data accessible to them.â Research likewise shows time the executives abilities and improves perusing introduction to various media.â Research is a basic apparatus in school, yet throughout everyday life and vocation. Â â â â â â â â â â â Perhaps the most significant expertise educated recorded as a hard copy classes, for example, English 103 and 104 is that of persuasion.â Once an understudy can arrange and investigate successfully, the person can introduce a dependable and authentic contention or enticing talk or work in school, however in genuine life.â Persuasion is what is utilized to find a new line of work at first and afterward to be promoted.â Even connections require persuasion.â The specialty of the contention will never kick the bucket; composing classes are basic in showing this ability. Â â â â â â â â â â â It is tragic that as time passes by the English language, an excellent and complex arrangement of rules and images, turns out to be less critical to society.â Colleges and colleges should keep the prerequisites of composing courses, for example, English 103 and 104 for each student.â â â Educated individuals should realize how to peruse and compose well just as gangs incredible hierarchical aptitudes, investigating procedures and successful argumentation abilities.â Writing courses show these aptitudes.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Field and Query free essay sample

Dealers Project Description: In this undertaking, you will make a few inquiries, use gathering and arranging measures, and make articulations to make determined fields. You will likewise set numeric and date measures to create explicit outcomes. Guidelines: For the motivation behind evaluating of the undertaking you are required to play out the accompanying errands: Step| Instructions| Points Possible| 1| Start Access. Open the downloaded Access database named Exploring_a03_Grader_EOC. accdb. | 0| 2| Create another inquiry in Design see. Include the Customers, Orders, and Employees tables to the inquiry plan window. From the Customers table, include the CompanyName, ContactName, and ContactTitle fields; from the Orders table, include the OrderID, OrderDate, and ShippedDate fields; from the Employees table, include the LastName field. Make certain to include the tables and fields in the request recorded. | 7| 3| In the principal void field cell of the structure network, make another field in the question named DaysToShip that deducts the OrderDate from the ShippedDate. We will compose a custom exposition test on Field and Query or then again any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page In the standards column of the DaysToShip field, enter gt;20. | 10| 4| Run the question and afterward spare it as Shipping Efficiency. | 5| View the question in Design see. Add the Order Details table to the inquiry window, and afterward include the ProductID and Quantity fields (in a specific order). Sort the inquiry in climbing request by OrderID. | 5| 6| Set the inscription property of the LastName field to SalesRep. Run, spare, and afterward close the question. | 6| 7| Create another question in Design see. Include the accompanying tables in a specific order: Orders, Order Details, Products, and Customers. From the Orders table, include the fields OrderID and OrderDate (in a specific order) to the inquiry structure lattice. | 6| 8| In Design see, add a Total column to the inquiry. In the main void field cell of the structure matrix, make another field in the question named ExtendedAmount that duplicates Quantity by UnitPrice (in a specific order). Select the Sum work from the Total column in the new field. | 15| 9| In the following void field cell of the structure network, make another field in the inquiry named DiscountAmount that increases Quantity by UnitPrice by Discount. Select the Sum work from the Total column. Organization the determined field as Currency. | 13| 10| Run the inquiry and afterward spare it as Order Summary. | 5| 11| View the Order Summary inquiry in Design see. Set the measures for the OrderDate field to return dates between 5/1/2012 and 5/31/2012. Run, spare, and afterward close the inquiry. | 8| 12| In the Navigation Pane, duplicate the Order Summary question and glue it into the database as Order Summary by Country. View the new inquiry in Design see. | 8| 13| Replace the OrderID field with the Country field (from the Customers table). Sort the inquiry by the ExtendedAmount field in Descending request. Run, spare, and afterward close the inquiry. | 12| 14| Close the database and afterward leave Access. Present the database as coordinated. | 0| | Total Points| 100|

Friday, August 21, 2020

20+ Tips To Improve Your Website Conversion Rate

20+ Tips To Improve Your Website Conversion Rate Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!20+ Tips To Improve Your Website Conversion RateUpdated On 06/04/2019Author : Pradeep KumarTopic : BloggingShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogPeople spend so much of money and time optimizing their site for search engines and driving traffic to their site. But they are not trying to optimize their website for conversion rate.According to Wikipedia, conversion rate is the ratio of visitors who convert casual content views or website visits into desired actions based on subtle or direct requests from marketers, advertisers, and content creators.Conversion Rate = Number Of Goal Achievements/VisitsConverting visitors to buyers is a great deal and below I mentioned some tips to make that happen! 1. Unique Selling Point. Unique Selling Point (USP) tells the difference between you and your competition. It will make the visitor to buy from you instead of somewhere else. Some of the examples of USP are Good customer service, low prices, unique products, free delivery, great support, etc. Tell yours customers what your product is.2. Be Memorable. Include all the information like articles, advice, reviews and so on. If your site is memorable, it will stick in your users mind. Also you should have a USP. Also consider branding. Your visitors should remember your name and also the quality of your site and information.3. Offer Different Payment Options. Offer the user a reasonable selection of methods of payment. You cant expect everyone to have a credit card. You dont need to accept cheque, but also consider alternatives to some of the usual methods.4. Keep the User Informed. You should keep user informed before and after sale. Users and Customers are always impatient. They are always eager to know when their product is going to arrive at their door. To make it better, give them an estimated delivery date during the checkout process. Emailing them or calling them when their product will be arrived is a great idea. Give them a tracking number. If they like your approach once, then they become your royal and regular customers.5. Clear Returns and Guarantee Policy. Keep a good and clear Returns Policy. You can drive customers by it. Dont ask People to pay for return things, even if it is a mistake by the retailer or by the customer. Give the users plenty of time to return things.7. Help The User Trust You. People are very careful while buying something online. Maximize the opportunity and give the potential customer every reason to trust you. Giving them an address and phone number will do well. Have some people for attending phone calls from customers. Show them your privacy policy and give them a detailed shipping procedure. If you have a SSL certificate, show the VeriSign Secured logo to the user.8. Be Honest. If the product is not available, mention it. If the user finds out the product isnt actually a vailable after adding it to a cart, and starting the checkout process, they may get annoyed and they may never return.9. Avoid So Many Questions. Dont ask so many questions or information, let it be a sale, a download, or a newsletter sign up. Consider your conversion goal a newsletter sign-up, then you should their name and email address alone, not their phone number or address. You should not force your users to do something which is irrelevant to the situation.10. Move With Your Audience. Remember, you are not Google. Something which works for Google doesnt mean that it can work for you too. Be aware of what your audience wants or else your customer will go to your competitor. Analyze what kind of products and stuffs your audience expect and try to make your website or brand similar.11. Discount codes and coupons. Discount codes and coupons play important driving sales. Ensure everyone that there is a discount for the product. Make sure the users can see the discounts when they l og in and then offer them to apply the code if they have one available.12. Better Pricing Strategy. You have to be clear about your pricing. If you price yourself too high then your visitors will go to your cheaper competitors. Price yourself too low and you may end up appearing cheap. If your aim is be the cheapest then be the cheapest, no issues. Pricing also applies to shipping and delivery costs. You can also make delivery free or keep a flat rate and its better to mention about this during the checkout process.READ6 Useful Tips For Engaging Facebook Pages Communities Wisely13. Clear Website Usability. Your website should be easy to use or else your visitors will be unable to purchase or they may leave your website in frustration.14. Improve your sales copy. In order to motivate and convince your visitors present the benefits of using your products or services. Give them a compelling sales copy for your website.15. Improve website design. A well designed website can give a prof essional look. It will look like as if the company cant afford or spend some money to design properly. You should also consider the content. If it is inaccurate or badly written then your visitors will not become your customers.16. Create landing pages. Create landing pages for your website that are keyword specific and reflects your product or service accurately. Keep Call to action to every landing page.17. Drive Traffic To Relevant Pages. If you are advertising for Buy Leather Bags then your landing page should be a page about Leather bags and you should also have the options to buy those bags right on the page. This also applies to the search engines visitors.18. Observe Past Performance. Use Google Analytics to analyze your website traffic and observe your past performance.19. Reduce Bounce Rate. Bounce rate is the percentage of single-page visits or visits in which the person left your site from the entrance (landing) page. Avoiding distractions and keeping Clear and Proper Na vigation helps to reduce bounce rate of your website. You can check the tips to reduce bounce rate here.20. Reduce Loading Speed. Visitors will wait for 10-12 seconds for a website to get loaded. You have to be lucky enough to get your website loaded quickly! You can use the Firefox add-on Firebug to analyze your websites loading speed. You can check the tips to reduce your sites loading speed here.RECOMMENDED : Use PHP Flush To Improve Site Loading Speed7 Free Best Tools To Check Website Loading SpeedLeverage Browser Caching To Improve Site Speed21. Provide Useful Content. This the most effective way of drawing and retaining traffic to your website. Provide useful content to your visitors and make sure they are accurate and punctual!22. Sale point smooth. Sales paths on your website should be simple and straightforward. Make navigation paths to a sale point smooth. If the sale process is less confusing, the lesser resistance visitors will show.23. Keep Customers Testimonials. Add y our Customers testimonials to various sales pages, landing pages and even shopping cart pages. It will invariably increase the conversion rate.24. Act Like A Consumer. Try to consider yourself as a consumer and understand their experiences with your website. Identify the technical hitches, missing components and so many things. By this you can easily understand your competitors in the market.25. Powerful Headline. A powerful headline will capture the visitors attention and gives them a compelling reason to stay and look at your offer. In Conversion Optimization, it is one of the very most important parts of the web page. You can check our post 10 Reasons Why So Many Posts Are Titled “Top 10 Reasons …”, you can understand how a title can change the post.26. Give Free Gifts. Offer your visitors free gift like an ebook for their email address, in short for Subscription. Then you can send them emails every few days with valuable information about your website and product. That wi ll make them to check your product and hopefully buy them too. You can also conduct some Giveaways.27. Cross Compatibility. Make sure that your website is cross compatible with all of the major web browsers including Firefox, Opera and Safari. Lack of design may force your visitor to quit. You can use BrowserShots for analyzing how your site looks on various popular browsers.28. Test it thrice! Testing is the best tip. Do it over, over, and over again. Use split testing and other techniques to discover which works best. Then try some another methods which may work further better.Do you know any other tip for improving website conversion rate? Please share it in the comments. ??

Monday, May 25, 2020

Henrys Law Example Problem

Henrys law is a gas law  formulated by the British chemist William Henry in 1803. The law states that at a constant temperature, the amount of dissolved gas in a volume of a specified liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of the gas in equilibrium with the liquid. In other words, the amount of dissolved gas is directly proportional to the partial pressure of its gas phase. The law contains a proportionality factor that is called Henrys law constant. This example problem demonstrates how to use Henrys law to calculate the concentration of a gas in solution under pressure. Henrys Law Problem How many grams of carbon dioxide gas is dissolved in a 1 L bottle of carbonated water if the manufacturer uses a pressure of 2.4 atm in the bottling process at 25  °C?Given: KH of CO2 in water 29.76 atm/(mol/L) at 25  °CSolutionWhen a gas is dissolved in a liquid, the concentrations will eventually reach equilibrium between the source of the gas and the solution. Henrys law shows that the concentration of a solute gas in a solution is directly proportional to the partial pressure of the gas over the solution.P KHC where:P is the partial pressure of the gas above the solution.KH is the Henrys law constant for the solution.C is the concentration of the dissolved gas in solution.C P/KHC 2.4 atm/29.76 atm/(mol/L)C 0.08 mol/LSince we have only 1 L of water, we have 0.08 mol of CO. Convert moles to grams: mass of 1 mol of CO2 12(16x2) 1232 44 g g of CO2 mol CO2 x (44 g/mol)g of CO2 8.06 x 10-2 mol x 44 g/molg of CO2 3.52 gAnswer There are 3.52 g of CO2 dissolved in a 1 L bottle of carbonated water from the manufacturer. Before a can of soda is opened, nearly all the gas above the liquid is carbon dioxide. When the container is opened, the gas escapes, lowering the partial pressure of carbon dioxide and allowing the dissolved gas to come out of solution. This is why soda is fizzy. Other Forms of Henrys Law The formula for Henrys law may be written other ways to allow for easy calculations using different units, particularly of KH. Here are some common constants for gases in water at 298 K and the applicable forms of Henrys law: Equation KH = P/C KH = C/P KH = P/x KH = Caq / Cgas units [Lsoln  · atm / molgas] [molgas / Lsoln  · atm] [atm  · molsoln / molgas] dimensionless O2 769.23 1.3 E-3 4.259 E4 3.180 E-2 H2 1282.05 7.8 E-4 7.088 E4 1.907 E-2 CO2 29.41 3.4 E-2 0.163 E4 0.8317 N2 1639.34 6.1 E-4 9.077 E4 1.492 E-2 He 2702.7 3.7 E-4 14.97 E4 9.051 E-3 Ne 2222.22 4.5 E-4 12.30 E4 1.101 E-2 Ar 714.28 1.4 E-3 3.9555 E4 3.425 E-2 CO 1052.63 9.5 E-4 5.828 E4 2.324 E-2 Where: Lsoln is liters of solution.caq is moles of gas per liter of solution.P is partial pressure of the gas above the solution, typically in atmosphere absolute pressure.xaq is mole fraction of the gas in solution, which is approximately equal to the moles of gas per moles of water.atm refers to atmospheres of absolute pressure. Applications of Henrys Law Henrys law is only an approximation that is applicable for dilute solutions. The further a system diverges from ideal solutions ( as with any gas law), the less accurate the calculation will be. In general, Henrys law works best when the solute and solvent are chemically similar to each other. Henrys law is used in practical applications. For example, it is used to determine the amount of dissolved oxygen and nitrogen in the blood of divers to help determine the risk of decompression sickness (the bends). Reference for KH Values Francis L. Smith and Allan H. Harvey (Sept. 2007), Avoid Common Pitfalls When Using Henrys Law, Chemical Engineering Progress  (CEP), pp. 33-39

Thursday, May 14, 2020

My Philosophy Of Life s Philosophy Essay - 2435 Words

Philosophical Thoughts (Name) (Institution) My Philosophy of Life It has been said that a person’s philosophy of life defines a lot about who they are, what they are and how they perceive things. I am part of this school of thought. To me, my philosophy of life guides my actions and how I relate to people. My beliefs and attitudes are impacted my philosophy of life which is to make the most out of every opportunity I get. If I have an opportunity to learn, I believe in learning everything there possibly can about a particular topic. I’m passionate about what I set out to do, and every day I remind myself what I stand for and the goals I have set. I seek growth in all areas of my life: relationships, academics, health fitness and finances. Generally, I believe that my mantra is: Strive to be better always. I try hard not to look for excuses or justifications for pat failures; I simply focus on being better in the future. I believe that one can conquer seemingly difficult goals. My belief in treating others in a way that I’d like to be treated myself is deeply rooted in Kant’s categorical imperative (Cesarz, 2007). In this paper, I strive to define metaphysics according to my view of the world around me, epistemology and ethics with regard to the value of life. On Metaphysics I believe that reality is what we perceive it to be. The explanation of reality is limited to what our minds perceive about reality itself. In simple terms, I believe that human beings areShow MoreRelatedThink Philosophically1283 Words   |  6 Pagesit is going to be reflected by doing so, as it has to be balanced. If we are breaking apart the goods of the body, we need shelter, foods, drinks, and also clothes to maintain our lives. The good of the minds are our knowledge and understanding of life. In other words, we provide our thinking by learning or being knowledgeable. If we just only provide goods for the body, we can not think as a human being. 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Progressives believe thatRead MoreMy Personal Classroom Management Philosophy1278 Words   |  6 Pages A classroom philosophy is fundamental for an effective educator, for not only does it set up one s classroom but it also sets up the type of teacher that one wants to be. A classroom philosophy dictates everything from discipline to the way one presents information. It is the driving force in a teacher’s classroom and is often times directly related as to why that teacher wants to teach. Due to its importance, it is critical to examine a multitude of different philosophies before crafting one’sRead More My Philosophy of Education: Combining Progressivism, Essentialism and Behaviorism826 Words   |  4 PagesMy Philosophy of Education: Combining Progressivism, Essentialism and Behaviorism Upon being faced with the task of writing my philosophy of teaching, I made many attempts to narrow the basis for my philosophy down to one or two simple ideas. However, I quickly came to the realization that my personal teaching philosophy stems from many other ideas, philosophies, and personal experiences. I then concentrated my efforts on finding the strongest points of my personal beliefs aboutRead MorePersonal Reflection Paper On Nursing1385 Words   |  6 Pages This paper is going to explore the personal nursing philosophy I have intentions to deliver during my nursing career. I believe that the description of nursing is embedded in obligation to public service and the unquestionable desire to help those in need. Nursing is more than treating a sickness or disease; rather it is concentrated on distributing quality patient centered care that is personalized to the needs of each patient. My philosophy on nursing encompasses the comprehension of medicineRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Nursing1081 Words   |  5 PagesRunning head: PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY OF NURSING 1 PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY OF NURSING 6 Personal Philosophy of Nursing Caroline Thiongo BSN V Millers College of Nursing Abstract This paper explores my personal nursing philosophy that I will convey in my career of nursing. It is my belief that nursing is a commitment to public service and a desire to help those in need. Nursing is a discipline of knowledge acquired both through formal education and through life experiences. The sum of these parts continuesRead MoreHistory of Education and Philosophy of Nurse Education1416 Words   |  6 PagesHistory and Philosophy of Nurse Education Amy Allin Capella University Abstract Each educator brings to the academic arena their own personal nursing philosophy that is based on experience and is historic in nature. By studying the history of nursing, the educator is able to guide the student through their education process. As an educator the nurse becomes an extension of one’s own personal philosophy. Nursing theory serves as the foundation on which to develop a personal philosophy and characterizesRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Philosophy968 Words   |  4 Pagesway of thinking and reasoning. In my studies I have learned that philosophy is the study of knowledge, reality, and human existence. Socrates once said, â€Å"The unexamined life is not worth living.† I agree with this statement, because I believe any intellectual person must question the world around them. Questioning different aspects of life is a vital way to gain knowledge. During my search for knowledge, I began to develop my own personal philosophy. Our philosophies are lar gely based off of our perceptions

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Miss American Pageants Are A Perfect Example Of The...

The Miss America Pageants are a perfect example of the â€Å"American Dream† standard that the beauty industry was trying to promote. â€Å"The history of beauty contests tell us much about American attitudes toward physical appearances and women’s expected roles †¦ legitimiz(ing) the Cinderella mythology for women, to make it seem that beauty is all a woman needs for success†¦ † The Miss American Pageants were a contest for women to show off their looks and compete against other women to win the â€Å"best to comply to right now’s beauty standards† crown. To really see how people were reacting to The Miss America Pageants, we must look at the Miss America Pageant protests of 1968. When of all ages lined the streets of Atlantic City to protest the pageant, they carried around â€Å"posters deploring â€Å"the degrading mind-less-boob-girlie symbol† and insisting that they only â€Å"free† woman is â€Å"the woman who is n o longer enslaved by ludicrous beauty standards †. They would go on to compare the pageants to the â€Å"†¦cattle at county fairs and human slaves being auctioned †. Women were literally lining up to be judged upon their looks for some money. These pageants emulated the â€Å"American Dream,† or the America the Capitalist Society, and they had people watching these as entertainment. These protesters were not only protesting the pageants but the entire beauty industry that the pageants supported and reflected back to society. â€Å"We’ll have a freedom trash can for bras, girdles, curiers, false eyelashes,Show MoreRelatedBeauty Pageants Essay1173 Words   |  5 PagesRotosha Word Professor Heather Wyatt English 102 5 October 2017 Little Girls Participating in Beauty Pageants For the sake of young girls, we try to save them from their insecurities, which is fairly significant. I perceive that beauty pageants are vigorous for girls, it assists them to get rid of stage fright, or low self-esteem. As a firm believer, I acknowledge the fact that pageant girls will develop as beautiful, sophisticated women. Different contests allow girls to have discipline andRead MoreWomen and the Media3250 Words   |  13 PagesThe Perfect Female Body: Long before beauty pageants, Barbie dolls, and extra-ordinarily beautiful girls, came about the idea of the female body. Whether you are a believer of creationalism, scientology, or evolutionism, somehow we all came about with the perception of the â€Å"perfect† female. Women have always been seen, and portrayed as a sex symbol, and usually the disobedient one. Dating back to B.C and the story of Adam and Eve, Eve was the naked one who bit into the fruit that god toldRead MoreEssay on Oprah Winfrey 1026 Words   |  5 PagesThe great American Dream, sought out by millions around the world, is a constant goal for people that live in America. For every individual living in the U.S. the American Dream has a different meaning. For some it might mean having 2 cars, a house, a picture perfect wife or husband, equally beautiful children; preferably twins, a sustaining job and a four to five bedroom suburban home. To others, the American Dream is having a job that can simply sup port a family or achieving some fame. Many AmericansRead More Teenage Girls, the Media and Self-Image Essay3098 Words   |  13 Pagesthe mature eleven-year-old who brought in the latest issue of Seventeen. Page by page, they explored the intricacies of how to unlock the secrets of boys, makeup tips to accentuate a girls natural beauty, and quizzes to help one find her celebrity dream date. In the span of a few weeks, every girl had a subscription to her very own teen magazine; teachers were forced to establish rules limiting the times and places that such magazines could be read. When the magazines first showed up on the sceneRead MoreOprah Winfrey : The Creation Of A Legacy2307 Words   |  10 Pageswas said by Oprah Winfrey to inspire others and show that anything is possible if one just believes. It was a belief she had throughout her childhood, and still today. This quote is important to her because she truly lives as an example of it. Winfrey did not have the perfect life that most believe. Winfrey grew up very underprivileged on a farm in Mississippi with her grandmother Hatti Mea Lee. After her grandmother passed away, she went to live with her mother who obviously did not want anything toRead More Biography of Oprah Winfrey Essay1130 Words   |  5 Pagesdifferently At age nineteen, Winfrey landed her first job as a reporter at WVOL radio station in Nashville. Shortly afterward, she enrolled at Tennessee State University in Nashville. During her freshman year, Winfrey won several pageants, including Miss Black Nashville and Miss Tennessee in 1971. She was offered a job by the local CBS television station but declined the position. After graduating in 1976, she accepted a job offer from WJZ-TV, the ABC affiliate in Baltimore, Maryland. In January 1984Read MoreBad Blood, Good Nursing1538 Words   |  7 Pagesa great many things in the long history of our chosen field to be proud of ranging from the advancements made by Florence Nightingale to the support the nursing community gave to Kelly Johnson following her two-minute speech during the 2015 Miss America Pageant. With that being said, there have been a few mistakes along the way. One such mistake involves the role that the infamous Nurse Rivers played in the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. Today, we know that nurses have an ethical duty to interveneRead MoreEssay Barbie: An American Icon2834 Words   |  12 Pagesher meaning, like her face has not been static over time (10). In spite of the extreme polarity, a sole unconscious consensus manifests itself about Barbie. Barbie is the icon of womanhood and the twentieth century (Ducille 50). She is the American dream (Varney 161). Barbie is us (Lord 17). The question is always the same: What message does Barbie send? Barbie is a toy. She is the image of what we see. At her inception in 1959, Barbie created a wave of fear among the general male populationRead MoreNestle Kasambuhay Habambuhay Films4005 Words   |  17 Pagesentitled â€Å"Little Miss Sunshine† which starred Abigail Breslin, Greg Kinnear and Steve Carrell. This particular family went on a road trip to support their daughter in the Little Miss Sunshine beauty pageant. The family consisted of a father, a mother, brother, grandfather and an uncle. They rode in a Volkswagen Type 2 (Kombi) which is exactly the same car used in â€Å"Oh! Pa Ra Sa Ta U Wa Yeah!† The American film showed a dysfunctional family coming together for the little girl’s dream of winning inRead MoreAmerican Holidays11778 Words   |  48 PagesAmerican Holidays The following are holidays that we celebrate in the United States: New Years Eve and New Years Day New Years Day is the first day of the year, January 1st. it is a celebration of the old year and the new one to come. People make New Years Resolutions each New Years and promise themselves that they will keep this resolution until next year. New Years Eve is a major social event. Clubs everywhere are packed with party-goers who stay out all night and go nuts at midnight

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Complete Guide to Business Risk Management

Questions: 1. Discuss the benefits and challenges you have derived from undertaking?2. Environmental Management for Sustainable Development?3. Challenges Experienced after the completion of the research strategy? Answers: 1. Research Process Undertaken during the completion of the research process: Sadgrove (2015) opined that innovation and risk management plays a crucial role to enhance the critical skills of any entrepreneur. Innovation is a process of bringing new ideas into an organization and risk management is the process of using the resources to minimize the risks. Innovation is termed as a complex process which comprises of many stages. For implementing any new ideas in an organization, it requires investments within the time for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. According to Bowers and Khorakian (2014), innovation is the development of customer value with several solutions to meet the requirement of the existing market by providing new solutions for the customers. The solution includes useful products, services and processes for the organization. From the organizational view, the management team motivates innovation for increasing the productivity with the help of executing current processes that can improve the competitive advantage of the market (McNeil, Frey and Embrechts 2015). 2. Benefits experienced after the completion of the research process: Innovation in an organization is very much essential to increase their productivity, performance, and efficiency. The major benefits of innovation are as follows: Firstly, there are several innovations available in the market which helps to reduce the unit costs of any product. This process can be achieved by enhancing the flexibility and production ability of any organization which is turn allows exploiting economies. Secondly, by using the innovative thoughts better quality products can be manufactured which will meet the customer needs by increasing the profits and sales (Rowsell et al. 2014). Thirdly, the organizations that are bounded by limited product range can get benefit by using the innovative thoughts. Fourthly, powerful, creative thoughts can help an organization to achieve unique selling proposition and which in turn help their business organization to differentiate itself from other companies (Sadgrove 2015). Fifthly, with the help of innovation the business organizatio n can lessen the emission of carbon in the atmosphere by changing the product legislation. 3. Challenges Experienced after the completion of the research strategy: According to Sadgrove (2015), some business organizations are there in the market where the innovation cannot be implemented. Many innovative products are available that are very hard to protect. In this new era of a competitive market, every business organizations are trying to implement creative thoughts and technologies. Innovation allows the organizations to accept challenges by gaining more market share and enhancing the growth (McNeil, Frey and Embrechts 2015). When the development timescale is more, the risk factor will also increase accordingly (Rowsell et al. 2014). The innovation process consists of three different elements that allow the organization to maintain the risk management process which includes the operational sector of the organization can be affected while implementing innovation and which results in failure to meet the cost, quality, and scheduling needs. The challenge of Innovation is that it hampers the commercial returns and which in turn affect the future profits and revenues of the organization. While the challenge of risk management is present in the commercial and financial sector of the organization which results in inability to attract the customers and also results in investing in ineffective innovative projects (Bowers and Khorakian 2014). References Bowers, J. and Khorakian, A., 2014. Integrating risk management in the innovation project.European Journal of Innovation Management,17(1), pp.25-40. McNeil, A.J., Frey, R. and Embrechts, P., 2015.Quantitative risk management: Concepts, techniques and tools. Princeton university press. Penning-Rowsell, E.C., De Vries, W.S., Parker, D.J., Zanuttigh, B., Simmonds, D., Trifonova, E., Hissel, F., Monbaliu, J., Lendzion, J., Ohle, N. and Diaz, P., 2014. Innovation in coastal risk management: An exploratory analysis of risk governance issues at eight THESEUS study sites.Coastal Engineering,87, pp.210-217. Sadgrove, M.K., 2015.The complete guide to business risk management. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd..