Saturday, February 22, 2020

Social Performance of Organizations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Social Performance of Organizations - Assignment Example When Iran nationalized the company’s assets in 1951, the company ventured into conducting explorations in other Middle Eastern countries such as Iraq, Libya and Kuwait and in 1954, it was eventually renamed as the British Petroleum Company. In 1987, the British government sold its last shares in the company at a time when BP’s lackluster performance had caused it to start languishing at the bottom of its sector. However, by 1996, the company had been able to effect a turn around that saw it start performing within the oil and gas top quartile. Currently, BP is considered to be the world’s number 3 public traded integrated oil concern (Juhasz, 2011). It explores for gas and oil in over 30 countries and has an proven reserves that are estimated to stand at 17 billion of barrels of oil. Within the United States, it is regarded as the largest gas and oil producer and a top refiner with its 15 plants that are continuously processing an estimated more than 2 million barrels of crude oil per day. Some of the external factors that can possibly affect the success of the company include political and economic factors. Political factors such as government policy such as the overall degree of intervention in the economy can affect the performance of BP. This might include trading policies and lobbying actives that can serve to either improve the company performance or make it difficult for it to trade within a given country. Economic factors can affect the performance of BP include the national economies of the environment in which company is running its business operations. When a country’s economy is not doing too well, the buying power of its citizens is reduced and this will have the effect of reducing the total sales of BP’s products in the country. Conversely, the company performance in countries with good economies is relatively good due to the fact that the company is able to achieve high levels

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Comparison paper between Forest Gump the book and Forest Gump the Essay

Comparison paper between Forest Gump the book and Forest Gump the movie - Essay Example Forrest Gump, the protagonist of Groom’s book is born in a family of modest financial background. His father worked at the docks as a longshoreman and his mother was an unassuming wife and mother. However, Gump’s loss of his father at an early age and his development as an individual with an IQ below the accepted levels of average intelligence, did little to add a cheerful backdrop to his growing up years. However, being the â€Å"half-wit† that he believed he was, he â€Å"ran† through every phase of his life, absorbing the opening and closing of events with the passive interest of a by-stander. The movie ‘Forrest Gump’ directed by Robert Zemeckis is a near-adaptation of the book by the same name and brings the character of Forrest to a virtual reality. Released in 1994 in U.S.A, this movie drew the attention of critics by the virtue of its unpretentious story-line and range of historical events that were instrumental in crafting a nation’s character. The movie thus became the peddle-pusher for the book and even though the book had earned a name for itself as a mantle-piece must-read, the film fuelled a collective societal interest in the phenomenon called ‘Gump’ in particular and 20th century American history in general. Even though the movie seems to follow the book’s story line in terms of character development and event sequence; however, there are several discrepancies between the original work and the adaptation. Whether, these dissimilarities occurred owing to the requirements of artistic adaptation or it was the handiwork of an astute director to cater to the masses, remains to be discussed. The main character, Forrest Gump, in the book is described as a six foot six inch strapping young lad at 16 who weighs 242 pounds. However, in the movie, Gump comes across as an individual with average height and a rather scrawny built as a young boy. The young Gump’s leg braces as shown in the movie are never